Triangles Are Not My Genre, 2020

A collective exhibition of the exploration of where high art meets low brow… @ QCA Project Gallery. September 2020

Triangle d’Origine
The Triangle of Origin, 2020
Digital Photo Frame
230mm x 160mm

by jean claire martin

In 1866 Gustave Courbet created the wilfully provocative painting l'origine du monde (The Origin of the World). This work subverted the norms of the time which reserved - or at least tolerated - depictions of the nude body within the context of large mythological or dreamlike scenes, without directly confronting it realistically, in its crudest terms.

In 2017 Performance Artist Debora de Robertis entered the Musée d’Orsay in a gold sequin dress, sat in front of Courbet’s Origin of the World. de Robertis states that the vagina is a mouth, and in Miroir de L’origine (Mirror of Origin) she speaks by exposing her genitals to the patrons of the gallery.

In late 2019 jean claire martin created a series of digital photographs entitled Virago. Originally printed on large scale, lo-fi quality poster paper, the works are displayed in this group exhibition using cutting edge early noughties technology – a digital photo frame! The female form posed with scull bones are representative of the pubic triangle - homage to de Robertis’ re-representation of the Origin - this is Triangle d’Origine - The Triangle of Origin.